Mar 20, 2022Liked by Thomas Shull

What I like most about this article is that it points out that authoritarian societies don't do the bidding of dictators; dictators do the bidding of authoritarian societies. Ceausescu seemed secure in his position until he ceased to deliver what Romanian society wanted. I wish someone would point out that, for most of history, the most persecuted minority is successful businessmen, derided as "robber barons", "captalist pigs","scheming Jews", etc, when they are in fact the source of all progress.

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I have some issues with this article, largely related to its focus (as should be expected) on right wing extremism while seemingly ignoring the very real (populist) threat from the leaders who are currently in power. Case in point: current leaders vs. "the unvaccinated". Or perhaps to put it in a more accurate tone, "the majority" vaccinated vs "the minority" unvaccinated.

As I recall, just prior to this post, there was another one on this blog criticizing the Trucker Convoy in Canada as doing the opposite of its intention (freedom). The article criticized how the truckers were a populist movement and therefore that was bad (to put it in simplistic terms). Meanwhile the leader in Justin Trudeau did nothing but vilify and utterly dehumanize that (large) minority. Alas, no criticism from a blog such as this against the leaders currently in power and the atrocious policies that have been imposed against that minority group (effectively turning into what you claim is so horrible in this post.... Second class citizens).

You better be careful. It's very safe to criticize the mean old right wing populists, but ignore the populism from those already in power at your own peril. Well, at least at the peril of your own integrity.

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