Janet, I recommend you do some research on that "poll" that you cited regarding popularity of the emergencies act for this purpose. An online poll of people who signed up to be a part of a poll by being in the know.


Public online poll. Cool story, bro.

BTW imagine thinking that leftists like Justin Trudeau plays absolutely no role whatsoever in egging on "populists". I mean, suggesting that maybe there's a limit on how much we should "tolerate these people" is only a little bit Inflammatory, don't you think? Alas, it doesn't matter, because all problems are apparently because of populists on the right. Leftists can do no wrong, apparently.

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(Banned)Jun 5, 2022·edited Jun 5, 2022

I am going to comment again because my criticism last time seems to have fallen on deaf ears (nothing new under the sun).

The problem with your article lies in one paragraph made here. And this is not to mention the amount of lies and "misleading" in the article itself. I can address those issues another time. But here it goes

"This is all terrifying, especially because the crackdown is so popular. There are scenarios when extreme protest tactics might be justified — for example, when a state perpetrates or tolerates human rights abuses. The problem is that many Convoy occupiers really believe that human rights abuses are taking place in the form of a treasonous government experimenting with unsafe vaccinations and other similarly odious measures. This is simply not true."

Two years of restrictions were not " human rights abuses"? I think I may need a lesson in what human rights are. Is it not a human right to have Christmas dinner with your extended family? Is it not a human right to be able to have your kids play on playgrounds with other kids? Is it not a human right to protest against corrupt government? Do I need to remind you that there were protests every weekend during the "2 weeks to flatten the curve" that turned into two years of shopping for drapes at Walmart with a diaper on your face? Do I need to remind you that any protests against restrictions were banned when protests for BLM were promoted since "racism is a worse pandemic than covid"? Or how about the most egregious of all... Not being permitted to attend church and pastors being arrested for holding church services? Is religious liberty a right or not? I think I need to be enlightened here. Are these not human rights? Do we even have human rights?

What was the last two years then?

Give me a break Janet. You're not seeing the forest for the trees.

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Feb 20, 2022·edited Feb 20, 2022

Well, there are benefits to being a capital city and there are several disadvantages. Ottawa has known nothing but generous benefits for decades, the seized wealth of Canadians lavished on its residents.

Along comes one of the disadvantages, a group of people grievously harmed by the incessant Covid demands and restrictions on their ability to earn a living. Too bad they aren't public workers or politicians that haven't endured any loss of income and actually enjoyed bigger paycheques.

2 years of Covid tyranny that a vocal group finally smashed a truck through and brought to a swift end.

The tyranny was never going to end. We had witnessed one extension after another, impositions greater than the last, destruction of lives, businesses, and production. And then a spontaneous eruption of anger and numbers inverted the polls and sent the politicians into disorderly retreat.

Vaccine mandates - gone. Vaccine passports- gone. Mask mandates - gone. School closures - gone. Abolition of sports - gone. Etc.

That's some mighty effective horn. And now the Federal political class has responded with a greater tyranny. The state of the Canadian banking is now precarious. It doesn't take much to start a bank run and, once underway, is impossible to stop. And do expect to see the western separatist movement soar the next while. All because of the discomfort of a few horns.

Enjoy your peace as Canadians begin to realize how unsafe their money is.

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(Banned)Feb 19, 2022·edited Feb 19, 2022

How effective was Black Lives Matter at getting their message across? I mean, burning down entire neighborhoods and looting targets must have been chastised by the media and the government, right?

... Oh wait, they were determined to be "mostly peaceful protests" and government officials like Justin Trudeau bent the knee.

That's interesting, isn't it?

We're not playing on a level playing field here, and that simply is unfair and, frankly, dishonest.

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The US is exporting anarchy...

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